Making the world’s buildings more energy efficient

Buildings are responsible for about 40 % of the worlds energy consumption, and heating and cooling is responsible for about 60 % of this energy use. However, by adopting more energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, as well as clean energy technologies, we can reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions in the building sector by 50%. We can also move away from gas as a source of energy altogether. At Alfa Laval, we offer the solutions needed to support this transition.

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GP Clima case
These new buildings are designed and built according to the latest concepts and norms to ensure energy efficiency. Alfa Laval heat exchangers are enabling efficient heating and cooling to save energy and thereby reduce CO2 emissions.”

Marco Gesilao, GP Clima

Read more


Why you should choose Alfa Laval for energy efficient solutions

  • Alfa Laval's heat exchangers have provided efficient heating and cooling solutions for both residential and commercial buildings for nearly a decade.
  • We have a global presence, with local service centres around the world, ensuring that you receive efficient service no matter where you are.
  • Our product range is AHRI-certified, guaranteeing reliable and holistic solutions for all your heating and cooling needs.
  • Our research and development teams constantly work to stay ahead, offering the latest sustainable heat transfer solutions for the HVAC industry.
  • We work closely with our customers to identify energy-saving opportunities in all processes. Join us to find out how to reduce your energy bills.

Trend in Industry

Energy poverty is a growing problem worldwide, particularly in Europe, where around 36 million people could not keep their homes adequately warm during the winter of 2020. But did you know that only seven countries across the EU and UK account for 80% of Europe’s entire residential gas use? To reduce dependence on gas and improve energy efficiency, we need to implement a range of solutions, such as:

  • Renovating old houses and public buildings with new, more energy-efficient heating and cooling solutions.
  • Strengthening existing building codes to meet energy efficiency standards.
  • Connecting buildings to updated heat network systems or district heating, providing alternative energy options.
  • Implementing digital solutions to monitor and optimize energy use in buildings, including larger system solutions utilizing buildings as thermal storage during peak hours.
  • Installing heat pumps in houses and reusing heat in commercial buildings.
  • Introducing cooling strategies in high-demand regions to tackle exponential air conditioning growth.
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Sustainable solutions – Be an energy hunter to reduce your energy bill

If you're looking for inspiration to start reducing your energy bill, Alfa Laval can help. Reach out to us to discover the energy-saving opportunities in your existing infrastructure and learn how much you could save. Or, read about how much our customers have saved thanks to energy efficiency.

1. AHRI PC GPHE pressure breaker in cooling applications
2. Condenser protection in cooling applications
3. Turning the chiller off in cooling applications
4. Heat recovery from the cooling tower for tap water preparation
5. District heating pressure breaker with closer approach temperature
6. Ideal pressure drop to specify


Alfa Laval’s heating and cooling solutions

Achieving net zero requires equipping houses and buildings with efficient heating and cooling solutions. This means finding the right solutions for new builds and updating existing structures. One crucial example of this is connecting to district heating and heat networks. At Alfa Laval, we offer a range of solutions that enable using renewable energy and reusing of excess heat from substation applications to heat entire districts. We even have components that support smaller-scale heat reuse at the end-user site. Our products work seamlessly with natural refrigerants, reducing your environmental impact regardless of which solution best fits your specific process.


Pressure breaker

Taller buildings like skyscrapers and structures requiring large energy systems face a challenge where the static head creates pressure that can exceed the capacity of the chiller condenser or air conditioner. With an Alfa Laval plate heat exchanger, you can split the circuit on any floor to maintain the correct levels and reduce the strain on your pumps, piping, and valves. The best part of this solution is that it can be used as a pressure breaker, adding as many as your building height requires. But that's not all; our "close approach" technology allows for the transfer of practically all the cold to the top of the building with minimal loss.



  • 高い熱効率を確保しながら、任務に適応できる柔軟なソリューション
  • コンパクトな設計はスペースを節約し、サービスやメンテナンスが容易
  • ファウリング、ストレス、腐食を軽減し、最大限の稼働時間を実現するソリューション




  • 圧力や温度の疲労を引き起こす可能性のあるアプリケーションに対して、非常に効率的で信頼性の高い技術
  • アルファ・ラバル独自のRefTight™シーリングシステムのおかげで、長いシーリング寿命を保証
  • 媒体間の交差汚染を防ぐための信頼性の高いソリューション




  • コンパクトなフットプリントを持つ軽量の銅ろう付け構造
  • 同等のシェルアンドチューブよりも高い熱効率
  • さまざまなアプリケーションに適合する柔軟なオプションで、すべての異なるタイプの媒体/流体に対応
  • 天然および低GWP(地球温暖化係数が低い)冷媒に理想的



AlfaNova フュージョンボンデッド熱交換器

  • 真の100%ステンレス鋼構造
  • 攻撃的な媒体に対する強い耐食性
  • 飲料水やその他の衛生的な用途での金属汚染を防ぐ
  • 高い熱効率とコンパクトなフットプリント



Explore our case stories

Do you want to reduce your energy consumption and costs while improving comfort and sustainability? Our case studies showcase numerous applications where our heat exchangers have made a difference. Gain insights into how to achieve your energy efficiency goals and discover the benefits of our solutions.


コンサルタント? システムインテグレーター?

コンサルタントですか? こちらをご覧ください! 熱交換に関する数十年の経験から得た専門知識を持つアルファ・ラバルは、今日の暖房および冷房の課題に対する知識豊富なリソースを提供します。エネルギー効率から自然冷媒まで、複雑な質問に対する答えを発見し、アプリケーションに適した技術を見つけるための便利なツールをご利用いただけます。

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Alfa Laval Heating and Cooling Hub Quick selection

エナジーハンター – 廃エネルギーを追求する持続可能なソリューション


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