
船舶を建造するにしても、航行させるにしても、時代の先を行くソリューションが必要です。アルファ・ラバルは、効率的で信頼性の高いオペレーション、コンプライアンス、生産性を確保するために、お客様とパートナーシップを組んでいます。私たちの船舶向けソリューションは、船舶の生涯にわたるパフォーマンスを向上させることに貢献します。 特にエネルギー効率と環境保護に関する新たなニーズに関しては、船舶業界はかつてないほどの速さで変化しています。お客様が船舶を建造する立場とそれを運行する立場のどちらであっても、優位性を保つために必要なソリューションと専門技術がアルファ・ラバルにはあります。


Together for vessel performance

  • 船上での重要な業務のほとんどをカバーする、実績のある幅広い機器
  • 機器を組み込むための知識と実践的な専門知識
  • 100年以上にわたる船舶サービスと数十年におよぶ造船所の実績により、業界をリーとするソリューションを提供



  • 生産性の向上
  • エンジンの保護
  • エネルギー効率を高め、廃棄物を最小限に
  • 収益向上とライフサイクルコストの低減に貢献

Sustainable solutions and technologies

At Alfa Laval, sustainability is at the core of our business, serving as the guiding principle that shapes every decision we make. 

We offer solutions and services that empower our customers to decarbonize, save energy and comply with environmental regulations. Our solutions facilitate the adoption of low and zero-carbon fuels,and support the transition to carbon free technologies & smart operations.

Explore our sustainable solutions

Click on the image to explore all our products and services relevant to your vessel type.

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ABS grants Alfa Laval the marine industry’s first approval in principle (AIP) for firing boilers with methanol

Maritime classification society the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) has granted Alfa Laval the first marine approval for operating boilers on methanol. Alfa Laval received an approval in principle (AIP) on 4 November 2021, based on extensive solution testing at the Alfa Laval Test & Training Centre.

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Alfa Laval joins over 150 industry leaders in the call for decisive government action to enable full decarbonization of international shipping by 2050

As a signatory of the Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization, Alfa Laval joins maritime peers in urging world leaders to align shipping with the Paris Agreement’s temperature goal. The document implores governments to facilitate the decarbonization steps already being taken in the private sector, enabling zero-emission shipping to become the default choice by 2030.

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Fuelling a new phase in decarbonization

Methanol is the next likely step on the marine industry’s journey to a zero-carbon future. It promises to cut CO2 output by 95%, while also reducing or eliminating other vessel emissions. If produced from renewable green sources, it can bring us to a level of carbon neutrality. However, methanol will demand new technologies and a different way of looking at the energy balance on board. Alfa Laval is at the cutting edge of methanol solutions – and is ready to partner with you in making the transition.

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Alfa Laval invests in the development of air lubrication technology for sustainable shipping

Air lubrication for marine vessels is a developing solution that will radically reduce fuel consumption and environmental impact. Having acquired a minority stake in Marine Performance Systems B.V., a Rotterdam-based maritime technology company, Alfa Laval will be instrumental in making this long-sought technology a commercial reality.

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Alfa Laval and Wallenius agree on a joint venture to develop modern wind propulsion

With an aim to radically reduce the marine industry’s carbon footprint and overall emissions, Alfa Laval and Wallenius have announced their intent to form a new 50/50joint venture. AlfaWall Oceanbird will focus on the development and realization of technology for fully wind-powered vessel propulsion.

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Rio Tinto selects Alfa Laval OceanGlide fluidic air lubrication with a focus on advancing efficient shipping and reducing emissions

Alfa Laval will provide Rio Tinto, the world’s largest dry bulk shipper, with the OceanGlide fluidic air lubrication system. This innovative system enhances a ship’s propulsion efficiency and energy savings while sailing. Rio Tinto has selected the Alfa Laval OceanGlide fluidic air lubrication system for one of its bulk carriers, as part of its focus to boost vessel energy efficiency and decarbonize shipping. Recognizing the merits of OceanGlide in the market, the company has chosen to retrofit a Rio Tinto-owned vessel with the system to assess this energy-efficient technology for its fleet.

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A carbon-neutral methanol fuel cell system is taking shape at the Alfa Laval Test & Training Centre

An innovative fuel cell system based on high-temperature proton exchange membrane (HTPEM) technology from Blue World Technologies is being constructed for testing at the Alfa Laval Test & Training Centre in Aalborg, Denmark. The test installation, which will use methanol as fuel, will explore the technology’s potential as a source of marine auxiliary power. Funded by Danish EUDP (Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program), the project is a joint effort between fuel cell maker Blue World Technologies, Alfa Laval and vessel owners DFDS, Maersk Drilling and Hafnia.

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Alfa Laval and NMRI have succeeded in onboard CO2 capture testing using an exhaust gas cleaning system

As the marine industry strives for a decarbonized future, Alfa Laval and partners are investigating the technologies needed to achieve it. One of the opportunities is carbon capture and storage (CCS), which took a step towards realization in recent testing performed by Alfa Laval and Japan’s National Maritime Research Institute (NMRI).

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Secure the LNG advantage

Find solutions to maximize your benefit from LNG as fuel.

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Alfa Laval to deliver the world’s first methanol-fired steam boiler solutions, enhancing fuel flexibility with methanol

Alfa Laval is taking a pivotal role in driving the marine industry’s transition to carbon-neutral green methanol with its methanol-capable solutions. The company has expanded its portfolio of alternative fuel solutions with the introduction of methanol-fired Aalborg boiler systems that offer exceptional fuel flexibility, accommodating a wide range of fuel types including methanol. This addition marks a significant milestone in the marine industry as it will be the first time a methanol boiler will be installed onboard a ship.

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Connected services for marine equipment

Connectivity for your onboard systems creates smart opportunities to lower cost of ownership and secure peace of mind. Remote access means fewer and shorter service visits, but also possibilities for fleet-wide optimization. Discover Alfa Laval’s growing range of digital services and make the connection between data and value.


Alfa Laval introduces the marine industry’s first biofuel-ready separators

Biofuels are a current and accessible fuel option that can help marine customers decarbonize. Yet while biofuels reduce CO2 footprint, they also pose new operational challenges. Alfa Laval is first in the market to address them with biofuel-optimized separators and separator upgrades.

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Explore more

Explore our webinars

Alfa Laval Marine Talks take an in-depth look at the challenges and changes that face your maritime business. In these webinars you'll find up-to-date analysis, knowledge and solutions to keep you on the right course, discussed by our marine experts and some of the brightest names in maritime industry.

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Alfa Laval on board


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Offerings to the maritime industry

アルファ・ラバルの最新「Marine Essentials」カタログは、船上で最も重要なオペレーションをを網羅する、実証済みかつ幅広い機器を提供します。

Marine essentials front cover

アルファ・ラバル テスト&トレーニングセンター - 未来を拓く

アルファ・ラバルの排ガス洗浄ソリューションおよび水洗浄技術は、アルファ・ラバル テスト&トレーニングセンターで進化を続けています。 ここで我々の船舶機器とアプリケーションは、外航船のスケールで試験されており、海上では実現できない制御と利便性を備えています。

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Alfa Laval FCM Methanol with the longest operating experience crosses the 100-order mark

Alfa Laval has received over 100 orders for its low-flashpoint fuel supply system (LFSS) FCM Methanol. This achievement reflects the increasing trust shipyards and shipowners have in Alfa Laval’s fuel treatment expertise, even in handling newer fuel alternatives.

Methanol as marine fuel

Alfa Laval's marine videos


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NEAR marine


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